Makataeva Sholpan Mukagaliyevna has been a senior lecturer in the master's degree at the Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi since 2002, at the Department of Foreign Philology and Translation. She began her scientific and pedagogical activity in 1998 at the Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Ablai Khan, at the Department of Oral and Written Translation. In 2000, she completed her postgraduate studies in the specialty "General Linguistics" under the supervision of Doctor of Philology, Professor M.M. Kopylenko on the topic "Phraseological combinations with elements of vegetation in the Russian, Kazakh, French and German languages". Then she completed her training at the Higher Pedagogical Courses at KazUMOiWL named after Ablai-khan, where she was awarded the qualification of "Teacher of Higher Educational Institution". In 2006, Makataeva Sh.M. won a grant in the "Best Teacher of French" competition, having completed an internship in Bordeaux (France). Students under the guidance of Makataeva Sh.M. have repeatedly won competitions and olympiads of city and republican significance. In 2018, she graduated from the master's program at KazNPU named after Abai, where the scientific supervisor of the diploma work with the topic "Concept "gratitude" was professor, doctor of philological sciences Musataeva Manat Shayakhmetovna. Makataeva Sh.M. always competent in matters of methods of teaching foreign languages, she is not alien to creativity, uses in classes all the best experiences of foreign colleagues, and undoubtedly her own developments, which are reflected in numerous collections. Using such sites as TV5Monde, LePoint du FLE, participating in annual advanced training courses, organized with the participation of the French Embassy in Kazakhstan, she achieves brilliant results.